Julia Fitzner

Since mid-2022, as Senior Managing Expert at PD – Berater der öffentlichen Hand GmbH, the award-winning in-house consultancy to the German public sector, Julia Fitzner advises federal ministries and offices on various aspects regarding the strategic modernisation and transformation of such organisations’ structures and services. In her practice, Julia profits from her long-term experience as a public servant at the German Patent and Trademark Office on the one hand and as a lawyer working in international law firms on the other hand. Throughout her career she has always been focused on topics driven by digitization and IT, e.g. in her doctoral thesis about the economic and legal impacts of technical measures for the protection of copyrighted goods, in her practice as an IT and data protection lawyer or in her project lead in connection with the restructuring of the DPMA’s IT departments. As a result of her broad experiences, Julia is deeply convinced that a profound understanding of the actual problem and a user-centric approach to possible solutions is key to the success of any (legal) project, and therefore has more and more integrated a design thinking based approach to her consultancy services. Moreover, in her latest project together with the Federal Ministry of Justice, Legal Design is playing a crucial role, as will be shown in her speech/presentation/panel.