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Wir freuen uns Sie am 14. und 15. Mai 2025 wieder in der NürnbergMesse begrüßen zu dürfen.

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Karim Mustaghni, also known by his artist name KAYWAZ, is the co-founder of and chief innovation officer at Legal Revolution. He is a highly curious innovation consultant with over 15 years of global work experience who also engages in independent creativity research. As a seasoned keynote speaker who has delivered over 150 speeches worldwide, he also expresses his work artistically through

Having worked or lived on five continents, Karim has cultivated a unique network of 2500+ global experts and innovators. Before getting there, he went through the entire startup rollercoaster of founding, failing and succeeding, and also working for a startup incubator. As the former community director of Sigma Squared Society, a prominent tech community housing nearly 1000 cutting-edge startups worldwide, he played a pivotal role in establishing the culture of "give and grow" from the start.
Karim is a Global Shaper, an initiative of the World Economic Forum, a fellow at 2hearts, Sandbox, Nexus, & a responsible leader at the BMW Foundation. He is on a mission to unleash the full creative potential of individuals and organizations through a comprehensive culture and creativity approach. Additionally, as the host of the creativity podcast 'What if...?' he continues to inspire and explore the depths of innovation


The LRZ is published by EDRA Media GmbH.

EDRA Media is an innovative publishing house,organiser and marketing

service provider in the the fields of law and medicine.

The shareholders are Edra S.p.A. (LSWR Group) and Dr Jochen Brandhoff.


LRZ │ E-Journal for Business Law & Digitalization

​LR ACADEMY │ Experience specialist knowledge

EDRA MEDIA │ Innovation, Sustainability, Resilience


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